The 2nd FPEB Leader's Talk
Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia as an educational institution has an obligation to produce graduates who are capable of becoming future leaders. This leader must have a high enthusiasm for optimizing sustainable development. FPEB Leaders Talk 2024 is a scientific discussion forum regarding sustainable development which is expected to provide new insights for students who are potential to become future leaders in supporting the realization of the pillars of sustainable development.
This program is an academic discussion with the main theme, namely Harnessing Pentahelix Collaboration for Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals. The program aims at increasing insight and understanding regarding the importance of synergy and collaboration of the five elements in realizing sustainable development and improving the quality of education through learning innovations that present various experts in the scientific discussion process.
This program is organized by FPEB UPI and will be held on Tuesday, 24 October 2024, from 09.00 to 12.00 WIB at the FPEB Auditorium Building, 6th Floor. The speakers are representatives from each element of the "Pentahelix" including: the government (regulator), society (accelerator), media (multiplier), academics-experts (concept-innovation) and the business world (encouragement).